

Who came up with integers?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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11y ago

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As soon as cavemen started trading handfuls of corn for women or bags of meat,

they were using integers. They didn't know it, however, because the word hadn't

been invented yet. It was several centuries, indeed millenia, before the word was

invented, but once it became available, it certainly made math a lot easier.

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The symbol for the set of integers is Z from the German word "zahl" = integer.

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Some people say it came from China.

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The integers are -11, -9 and -7.

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-4, -2, 0, and 2 are the four consecutive even integers. When you add them up they equal -4.

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You don't. You find the GCF of integers. What you count with the integers after that is up to you.

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The positive integers up to 4 are: 1, 2, 3, and 4. This is a total of four positive integers.

What integers add up to 96?

Many of them.

What careers do you use integers for?

I'm thinking that a stock marketer uses integers to symbolize if a stock has gone up or down.

What is the average of the integers of 25 to 41?

The average of the integers 25 and 41 is 33. Average is found by adding up the integers and dividing that number by the number of integers that were added together. So, 25+41=66, then 66/2=33.

Did integers come from a certain culture?

Most books say they come the Chinese. Most books say they came from the Chinese Most books have said that they came from china.