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Q: Who decided that a day would be divided into 24 hour?
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What did the sumarien do?

they divided the day in 24 hours and the divided the hour into 60 minutes

Why is the day divided into 24 parts?

each part is for an hour

How many mintutes are there in a day?

The same amount that are in a year divided by 52 weeks divided by 7 divided by 24 hours divided by 1 hour divided by 60 minutes

What is the third hour of the day?

In the New Testament in Jesus' day and beyond, the day was divided into rough periods. The third hour of the day would span 6 to 9 a.m. The sixth hour of the day would extend from 9 to 12 midday. The ninth hour of the day would encompass 12 noon to 3 p.m., and the twelfth hour of the day would last from 3 to 6 p.m. This explains Peter the Apostle's response in Acts 2:15 to the charge of drunkenness on the Day of Pentecost that "... it is but the third hour of the day", meaning 9:00 a.m. The ninth hour is described in Acts 3:1 as the 'hour of prayer', which was observed by devout Jews and followers of Judaism. Hence Cornelius, in Acts 10:3 & 30 respectively, records that he was praying around the ninth hour. Lastly, at the crucifixion of Jesus, the Gospel record states that there was darkness over the whole land from the sixth to the ninth hour, (meaning from 12 midday to about 3 p.m.) in Matthew 27:45 & Mark 15:33, respectively.

Who figured out how many minutes were in an hour?

The number of hours in a day, the number of minutes in an hour, and the number of seconds in a minute, are all human inventions. Just like the number of degrees in a circle. They could be whatever people decided would be most convenient.

How many hours are there in 1 day?

There are 24 hours in one day. This is based on the convention of dividing a full rotation of the Earth into 24 equal parts, each called an hour. Each hour is further divided into 60 minutes, and each minute is divided into 60 seconds. This system of time measurement is known as the 24-hour clock.

What is the 17th hour of the day?

The 17th hour of the day would be 5:00 PM in a 24-hour clock format.

If you babbysit for 4 hours a day for 5 days and get 10.00 how much are you getting per hour?

4 hours x 5 days = 20 hours $10.00 divided by 20 hours = .50 cents per hour. You received .50 cents per hour. If you had received $100.00, it would have been = $5.00 per hour.

Into how many hours did the babylonians divide a day?

The babylonians divided the day into 24 hours, each hour into 60 minutes, each minute into 60 seconds.

How was the hours of the day decided?

God decided.

Who made this Christmas?

Jesus made Christmas when he was born he decided this day would be Christmas

Why isn't life twenty four hour?

like who decided that we have to sleep at night an be awake durin the day? i prefer to be awake at night. and then there is nothing to do at night.. because everywhere is closed? life should be 24 hour