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Q: Who decoverd cobal t?
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united states

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it was fist decoverd in the year1892

When were the dodos decoverd?

Dodo birds were when dinosaurs were on earth and ben discovered in 1861

When did basil get decoverd in Asia?

they never u idiots!!! it was north America in 1621!

Who decoverd Justin Bieber?

Matt Cardle, off X Factor. Sadly Matt died two days ago from a genital inury.

Who invented the Rare Earth Magnets?

Rare earth magnets were developed in 1966 by K.J. Strnat and G. Hoffer when they discovered an alloy of cobal and yttrium in a laboratory. There are several different types of rare earth metals.

Who discovered domestic cats?

No one:Cats are animals, along with humans. However, it was the Egyptians who first started training, and breeding house cats. India wanted pets such as tigers later on.god decoverd cats

Types of programming language that is machine independent?

FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.

What order are the Pokemon badges in Pokemon dimond?

Coal Badge (Oreburgh City)Forest Badge (Eterna City)Cobal Badge (Veilstone City)Fen Badge (Pastoria City)Relic Badge (Hearthome City)Mine Badge (Canalave City)Glaceon Badge (Snowpoint City)Beacon Badge (Sunyshore City)

How you get through the electric fence in Vermilion city gym in Pokemon Leaf Green?

first you guess where the first switch could be, then the second switch is in the trash can below of the first switch. t t t 1S t t t t 2S t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t

How did Grace Hopper's invention work?

well i am not there yet but his middle name was prob computers so he hired some nerds and they figured it outSorry but Grace Hopper was a woman. One of hermain contributions was in the development of early high order languages and their compilers, particularly the business language COBOL.