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It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who devised the cartesian coordinate system.

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Who introduced the cartesian coordinate syatem?

It was the French mathematician Rene Descartes who devised the Cartesian coordinate system

Cartesian coordinate system?

This question is too vague to give a proper answer. The system was devised by Rene Descartes.

Did Rene Descartes had a mathematical accomplishments?

Yes, he did. He devised the Cartesian coordinate system which led to analytical geometry.

How was the coordinate plane discovered?

A general coordinate system had to be devised prior to describing planes or other objects. As provided in the link, Rene Descartes is considered the founder of the Cartesian coordinate system in 1637, but Fermat also made contributions. See related links on the lives of Descartes and Fermat.

Who is the french philosopher and mathematician that first devised the coordinate system?

The idea of Cartesian coordinates was the brainchild of the French mathematician and philosopher Rene' Descartes in the early 17th century.

Which coordinate in the equatorial coordinate system is like longitude in the geographical coordinate system?

a coordinate system is lines of longuitude and latitude that are used in a map to locate something. There is a coordiante in the Equatorial Coordinate System that is like longitude in the Geographical Coordinate System.....what is the coordinate? Celestial Equator?

What is other name of rectangular coordinate system?

Cartesian coordinate system.

How is a coordinate plane similar to a coordinate system?

The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.

What is the difference between coordinate system and coordinate plane?

The coordinate system can be in any number of dimensions whereas the coordinate plane is a 2-dimensional concept.

What does a Cartesian Coordinate System do?

A Cartesian coordinate system is a coordinate system that specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates. These coordinate system can be used to provide geometric interpretations for many branches of mathematics.

What is coordinate plane or coordinate system?

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Who discovered cartesian coordinate system?

The Cartesian Coordinate System was discovered by Rene Descartes.