

Who discovered TAU equation?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Who discovered TAU equation?
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You can use this equation if you understand it: =a*(1+m*EXP(-x/tau))/(1+n*EXP(-x/tau)) where the a, m, n, and tau are all parameters. There is also lots of specialised software available for planning that would have the facility to do it.

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To the extent that "other solar systems" are referred to at all, they are referred to by the name of the central star. So if planets were discovered to be orbiting around the star Tau Ceti, it would be called the "Tau Ceti system".

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Andrew bear Wallace

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Bobby Tau's birth name is Robert Tau.

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View all Sir William Rowan Hamilton invented the linear equation in 1843.

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A proportion is an equation in which two rations are equal. The divine proportion was discovered by the ancient Greeks.

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please see the link for a detailed answer.

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it goes everywhere on the plant