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Q: Who discovered infinite prime number?
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Related questions

How long did it take to find the largest prime number?

It has not yet been discovered because numbers are infinite

How many prime numbers are discovered as of today?

The set of prime numbers is thought to be infinite.

What are all the prime factorizations?

You cannot list all the potential prime factors. Any prime number can be a prime factor. There are an infinite number of prime numbers, so there are an infinite number of potential prime factors. If given a specific number, the prime factors for it can be listed.

What number has five different prime factors?

Since there are an infinite number of prime numbers, there are infinite numbers with any given number of prime factors.

Is there a biggest prime number and if yes or no why?

The set of prime numbers is infinite. There's a greatest one we know, but every year or so a new greater one is discovered.

What is the highest prime number above 53?

Perhaps what you mean to ask "What is the next prime number above 53?". One cannot tell, as numbers are indeed infinite, what the highest prime number is. There is a team of scientists that, not too long ago, discovered a twelve-digit (I think twelve) prime number. Prime numbers, like numbers, are infinite and there is no way, therefore, to assess a 'highest' nor a 'lowest' numeral.

Who many prime numbers begin with 9?

Infinity. There's an infinite number of place values, so you can create an infinite number of numbers that start with nine. Some of these will be prime, and since there is an infinite number of numbers starting with nine, there is an infinite number of prime numbers that start with 9 as well.

How man prime number exist in mathematics?

There are an infinite number of prime numbers.

Is 2 to the 30402457th power minus 1 the largest prime number?

While 230402457 - 1 was the largest known prime when it was discovered, there really is no 'largest' prime number. It can be proven that the set of prime numbers is infinite, so we will never be able to label one as the largest.

Did Euclid make prime numbers?

No, prime numbers already existed. Euclid simply made some important mathematical contributions related to prime numbers. Among others, he discovered a surprisingly simple proof that the set of prime numbers is infinite; and he discovered that the prime factorization of any natural number is unique.

What is the largest prime number in 9 bit register?

Well, there is an infinite number of numbers, so technically, there is an infinite amount of prime numbers.

What is the number of prime numbers?

It is impossible to know the number of prime numbers because there is an infinite number of them.