

Who discovered set theory?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Discoverer of a particular mathematical concept is hard to say as a certain concept is accepted or emerged after many researches.But for set theory as far as we know there is only a single discoverer named Georg Cantor.

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Q: Who discovered set theory?
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What is the difference between classical set theory and fuzzy set theory?

Classical theory is a reference to established theory. Fuzzy set theory is a reference to theories that are not widely accepted.

Who founded set theory?

Set theory was founded by Georg Cantor in 1873.

Who does the set theory explain about sets?

Who: Basically, the set theory was developed by Georg Cantor.

Prove the demorgan's laws for crisp set theory?

prove the intersction for crisp set theory

What is universal set in math?

In the naive set theory of the nineteenth century, the term universal set referred to the set of all sets. If one was doing set theory with objects that were not sets (these are sometimes called urelements), those were included in the universal set as well. However, Bertrand Russell and others discovered that this concept leads to paradoxes, such as the set of all sets not members of themselves (the universal set being a member of itself), which is a member of itself if it is not, and not a member of itself if it is. So axiomatic set theories were developed to hopefully avoid these paradoxes. It was also discovered that urelements are not necessary to do set theory that can be used as the basis of all areas of mathematics. In a more limited context, the term universal set or universe of discourse is used to refer to the set of things being discussed and studied. For example, in the area of the mathematical study of integers (positive and negative whole numbers), the set of all integers is the universe of discourse. This seems to be harmless in that it does not lead to paradoxes, as far as is known.

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Classical theory is a reference to established theory. Fuzzy set theory is a reference to theories that are not widely accepted.

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Who founded set theory?

Set theory was founded by Georg Cantor in 1873.

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