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Who: Basically, the set theory was developed by Georg Cantor.

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Q: Who does the set theory explain about sets?
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What does the set theory explain about sets?

The set theory is a branch of mathematics that studies collections of objects called sets. The set theory explains nearly all definitions of mathematical objects.

Why is it important to be able to identify sets and set theory as related to business operations?

Why is it important to be able to identify sets and set theory as related to business operations?

Why set theory is important?

The theory of numbers is based on the property of sets of different kinds of numbers.

Does a set of all sets contain itself?

There is no such thing as a "set of all sets". To be more precise, the idea of a "set of all sets" leads to contradictions; therefore this term is avoided in set theory. Check the Wikipedia article on "Universal set" for more details.

What has the author Arnold W Miller written?

Arnold W. Miller has written: 'Descriptive set theory and forcing' -- subject(s): Set theory, Forcing (Model theory), Borel sets

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What is set theory?

In mathematics, sets are simply collections of objects. Set theory is the branch of mathematics that studies these collections of objects. For more information, please refer to the related link below.

What is a set of tested hypotheses that attempts to explain why something happens?

The name in science is theory.

What is fuzzy set?

= = = Fuzzy set =Jump to: navigation, searchFuzzy sets are sets whose elements have degrees of membership. Fuzzy sets have been introduced by Lotfi A. Zadeh (1965) as an extension of the classical notion of set. In classical set theory, the membership of elements in a set is assessed in binary terms according to a bivalent condition - an element either belongs or does not belong to the set. By contrast, fuzzy set theory permits the gradual assessment of the membership of elements in a set; this is described with the aid of a membership function valued in the real unit interval [0, 1]. Fuzzy sets generalize classical sets, since the indicator functions of classical sets are special cases of the membership functions of fuzzy sets, if the latter only take values 0 or 1.

Who introduced the sets?

Modern set theory was developed by Georg Cantor and Richard Dedekind in the late nineteenth century.

Does the set of all sets other than the empty set include the empty set?

The collection of all sets minus the empty set is not a set (it is too big to be a set) but instead a proper class. See Russell's paradox for why it would be problematic to consider this a set. According to axioms of standard ZFC set theory, not every intuitive "collection" of sets is a set; we must proceed carefully when reasoning about what is a set according to ZFC.

What is a application of sets in a algebra?

Im not sure if there is any application of set notation and set theory, however set notation is important when you start learning about the domains and ranges of functions.