Smeraldina Corp. is the only and exclusive importer and distributors of Smeraldina Natural Artesian water in the entire US.
SOMeThingZ ;O
Reason #1- rounded edges make a cylinder strong. Reason#2- distributes weight throughout cylinder
The company Detex distributes automatic door openers as well as door security systems for protection against break-ins. Detex has a worldwide market for its products.
Some heaters are place on the walls of a room to get them off of the floor and out of the way. Also, they can be hard wired into the electrical system or be hooked up to a propane line easier this way. It also distributes the heat more evenly throughout the room.
Usually the distributive property of multiplication over addition is considered:a(b+c) = ab + acHowever, since subtracting is the same as adding the additive inverse, it is valid for subtraction as well:a(b-c) = ab - ac
The cast of Smeraldina liberata - 1988 includes: Cecilia Dazzi as Smeraldina Alberto Di Stasio Daniela Merlo as Laura Clare Mezzanotte Marcello Modugno
a process that distributes and circulates water(two words)
It cleans and distributes the water to some degree
The cast of Smeraldina - 1969 includes: Martin Costa as Herr Feichtinger Miriam Gentner as Alice Holden Fritz Grieb as Der Inspizient Fritz Hakl as Narrator Anna Leilersperg Eva Pilz as Lisa Manfred Schmid as Dr. Moritz Hauser Doris Simon as Jasmin Lonagul Georg Trenkwitz as Martin Edi Wegrostek Angelika Welzl as Smeraldina Bibiane Zeller as Miss Pierce
Pepsi distributes it.
The water hyacinth has a large surface area that lays over the top of the water, which distributes its weight and increases its buoyancy sufficient to keep it floating.
the golgi apparatus distributes and receives
Aorta in the heart. Distributes to whole body.
The company that distributes the Twilight series is called Summit Entertainment.
The blood distributes nutrients and water. It distributes oxygen throughout the body and brings carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled. It also contains white blood cells and antibodies that aid the immune system.