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Q: Why is a dam wider at the bottom compared to the top?
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Why the base of the dam is made wider?

The pressure of the water against the top of the dam wall, is much less than the pressure exerted against the bottom of the dam wall. The width of a dam wall increases to compensate for the increased water pressures at the lower level.

Is the Hoover Dam the same thickness at the top as the bottom?

no, its thicker at the bottom

Why do dams need to be thicker on the bottom and thiner at the top?

because the water pressure on the damn is much higher on the bottom of it than the top.

Why are dams over rivers are made broader at bottom than at the top?

The pressure of the water (the weight) is greater at the bottom, due to the depth of the water. As the pressure is less near the top, the top of the dam wall doesn't need to be as thick as the bottom of the dam wall.

What is the width of the Nurek Dam?

The Nurek Dam in Tajikistan is 714 meters at the top and 1,420 meters are the bottom. It is an earthen dam across the Vakhsh River.

Why is the base of a dam thinner then the wall?

The pressure against the dam wall increases at the lower levels than nearer the surface. So I expect the foot of the dam wall to be thicker at the bottom than at the top.

If the bottom of the population pyramid is wider than the top, what does that mean?

there are mums down there

Why dams must be constructed so that they are much thicker at the bottom than the top?

Because the water pressure at the bottom of the dam is much more than the top.

Is pressure lower at the bottom of a dam?

Yes, pressure is higher at the bottom of a dam because the weight of the water above it creates a greater force pushing down. This higher pressure at the bottom helps to support the structure of the dam.

Why must the bottom of a food pyramid be wider then the top?

the reason is because its more important food ( health wise ) than the top

Why are dams made thinner at the bottom?

This is because the pressure in a liquid increases with depth. This means that the pressure at the bottom of the dam is more. Hence it is more liable to break out from the dam as more pressure is exerted on the walls. So, the walls are thicker at the bottom.

When you measure a pie pan do you measure at the top where it's wider or at the bottom?

you measure at the top. Typically, pie pans are 8 or 9 inches.