Multiply its numerator and denominator by some number that makes the decimal whole. E.g.) (0.15/1)(100/100) = 15/100 = 3/20
I write 6 015 103 as 6 015 103.
Since 015 = 15, 015 of 1% = 15 of 1% = 15% or 0.15
015% = 15% is equal to 0.15
1.5 percent of 5600000 equals 86000. To find this, I moved the decimal in 1.5% over two places to the left to make it a decimal. (.015). Then, i multiplied .015 times 5600000. Hope this helped!
how to make -7.08 a fraction
.015 as a fraction is 15/1000. In simplified form it is 3/200.
1.5% written as a fraction in simplest form is 3/200
I write 6 015 103 as 6 015 103.
0.015 = 015/1000 = 15/1000 = 3/200
Since 015 = 15, 015 of 1% = 15 of 1% = 15% or 0.15
015% = 15% is equal to 0.15
1.5 percent of 5600000 equals 86000. To find this, I moved the decimal in 1.5% over two places to the left to make it a decimal. (.015). Then, i multiplied .015 times 5600000. Hope this helped!
15/100. 1.5/1000 .15/10000 .015/100000 .0015/1000000 .00015/10000000 .000015/100000000 .0000015/1000000000 Yeahhh.
Eastern Mahogany, aka "Nato."