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Abby Kelley

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Q: Who gave more speeches and traveled more miles than another female orator during the Antebellum period?
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Who gave more speeches and traveled more miles than any other female orator during the antebellum period?

i dont know im hungry see you later

What was the capital of Georgia during antebellum period?

The capital of Georgia during the antebellum period was Milledgeville. It served as the state's capital from 1804 to 1868, before it was later moved to Atlanta.

What was the antebellum era what happened during that era?

The antebellum era was the period in the United States before the Civil War, spanning from the late 18th century to the outbreak of the war in 1861. During this time, there were significant social, economic, and political developments, including debates over slavery, westward expansion, and states' rights. The era was marked by increasing sectional tensions between the North and the South, ultimately leading to the secession of Southern states and the eruption of the Civil War.

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The 2 main cash crops during the Antebellum period were cotton and rice.

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they just did

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Antebellum Era

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How did the south view slavery during the antebellum era?

As a economic issue