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Q: Who has the answers to the Penn Foster Algebra 1 exam?
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just study for the darn test!! dont be cheating!!

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Hey i dont have the answers but please tell me if u get them..!

Where can I get help with Penn Foster homework?

The official web site has a support staff that will help you through your work. See the related link below. It is better to stay away from the homework and exam sites that will just give you the answers seeing that this will not help you actually understand what you need to do.

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Although Penn Foster may be wrong and it isn't ok to cheat, sometimes people need a little help on the harder question. I for one know this because i took penn foster for my high school diploma and it's definitely not's not the easy way out. 78.4 might be the right answer but for the exam to get the question right according to penn foster the answer is A. 56 J ====================================================================================

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a b c d e g a b c d a e

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mostly tobacco and riceNote: If you are a student of Penn Foster the exam answer is tobacco

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knowing how to plan before you write. 8/27/09: For the Penn Foster Exam, the correct answer is C. Knowing how to plan before you write.