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It was a generalized objective of all major labor unions- and eventually entered federal law. It should be noted Belgium has a mandated 40-hour per week labor ceiling for hazardous trades ( for example, Mining, some forms of heavy construction, air transport?) This is a very progressive idea.

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Q: Who introduced the eight hour work day?
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What was Samuel Gompers fight for?

an 8 hour work day

What does eight hour day mean?

work hours

Introduced the 8-hour 5-day work week 1926?

Henry Ford

Why was the eight hour day significant?

The eight-hour work day was fought for by labor unions to standardize the amount of time an employer could ask an employee to work under normal conditions. Along with the 5-day work week, the 8-hour day asserted the rights of the workers to a reasonable labor load.

When is overtime?

Overtime is work done outside your normal daily hours. If you normally work an eight hour day, but work an extra hour one day. That extra hour is overtime, and overtime is often paid at a higher rate.

What were the Great may labor strikes in 1886 all about?

eight hour work day

What time in an eight hour day is lunch taken?

The answer obviously depends on which 8 hours you work!

When was the change to 5 hours finally made for labor Day?

Please be more specific about which 5 hours are you referring to related to labour day. Labour day is an anuual holiday in USA and across the world in many countries, which celebrated the contribution of labour class to the popular eight hour movement which set rules for eight hour work. eight hour recreation and eight hour rest.

What is an eight hour clock?

An eight-hour clock is a clock that has only eight numbers on its face. The hour hand of an eight hour clock takes eight hours to rotate once, dividing the day into three separate periods, each eight hours long. Railway station operators once used eight-hour clocks to calculate their work shifts and the train schedules.

When did the eight-hour work day become a national reality?

1938 14 years after gompers death

Which issue in the platform of the Populist Party eventually became law in the US?

an eight hour work day

What is a gross hour?

By the sounds of it, I'd say it would be how much you make per hour. "e.g. your not paid salary, so your paid by the hour, you gross at $16.00 an hour for the eight hour work day."