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Oh, dude, circles were probably invented by some ancient smarty pants who just decided to connect a bunch of points equidistant from a central point. It's like, who really knows, right? But hey, kudos to them for coming up with a shape that's so round and perfect.

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10y ago

A circle was not invented by anybody. The circle is one of the shapes that appears both naturally and artificially everywhere.

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10y ago

The circle was invented by the mathematician William Jones. He called the symbol for the constant ratio as 'pi,' which is the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.

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Because it was found that there was a direct relationship between the radii (or diameters) of circles and their circumferences.

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Circles were drawn by ancient peoples before writing was developed. No one "invented" or "made" the circle from that perspective.

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Circles with the same radius are congruent circles.

An instrucircles used to construct circles and arcs of circles?

A pair of compasses are use to construct circles and arcs of circles

What is a geometric compass?

A geometric compass is an instrument, or a tool, used in plane geometry to draw arcs and circles. Not to be confused with the geometric and military compass invented by Galileo.

What is a concetric circles?

Concentric circles are a series of circles within each other.

Do circles have angles?

No, circles do not have angles.