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In 1912 Walther Bauersfeld, chief engineer at the Carl Zeiss (manufacturers of optical equipment) started work on a building to house a planetarium at the suggestion of the German astronomer Max Wolf. Construction was suspended during the first World War and completed in 1923. That was the first structure to be considered geodesic.

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Q: Who invented the geodesic structure?
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Related questions

When was the geodesic dome invented?

The geodesic dome was invented in the late 1940's

What kind of structure is a geodesic dome?

A geodesic dome is a spherical or partial - spherical shell structure or lattice shell based on a network of great circles on the surface of a sphere.

Does a geodesic structure have more or less surface area than?

Than what?

What is a real world example of a Geodesic dome?

The 'big ball' at Epcot in Orlando Florida, is a Geodesic sphere. The old dome-like playground equipment is based on the same structure as a geodesic dome. I've posted a couple of links about geodesic domes with some pictures.

What did George fuller invent?

Bucky Fuller invented the Geodesic Dome

Does a geodesic structure have more or less area than a box structure that covers the same amount of floor space?

Less area.

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Why is C60 called buckminsterfullerene?

C60 is called buckminsterfullerene because its molecular structure is similar to the geodesic dome designs created by architect Buckminster Fuller. The molecule consists of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a spherical shape with hexagonal and pentagonal rings, resembling the structure of a geodesic dome.

What geometric shape starts with the letter g?

The geometric shape that starts with the letter "G" is a "geodesic dome." A geodesic dome is a spherical structure composed of a network of geometric shapes called geodesic polyhedra. These polyhedra are typically triangles or other polygons that are arranged to form a dome-like structure. Geodesic domes are known for their strength and efficiency in distributing stress across the structure.

What are 3 famous geodesic domes?

The Montreal Biosphere in Canada, originally built for Expo 67, is a renowned geodesic dome designed by Buckminster Fuller. The Eden Project Biomes in the United Kingdom feature iconic geodesic domes housing diverse plant species from around the world. The Spaceship Earth attraction at EPCOT in Florida is another notable geodesic dome structure designed by Disney Imagineers based on Fuller's principles.

Where was the geodesic dome created?

The geodesic dome was created in the United States by architect Buckminster Fuller in the 20th century. Fuller patented his design in 1954 and it has since been used worldwide in various structures due to its strength and efficiency.

Dose a geodesic form have more of less surface area than a box that covers the same amount of floorspace?

Yes because it has more structure to it.