Tim Berners-Lee is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, Senior Researcher at MIT's CSAIL where he leads the Decentralized Information Group (DIG), and Professor of Computer Science at Southampton ECS
It is known as the Our Father because it is a prayer to god that is the father of all things
WWW stands for World Wide Web.
Euclid a Greek mathematician
Josh Ferris
tim bernes -lee
Tim Berners-Lee introduces WWW to the public on August 6, 1991.
Tim Berners-lee
WWW stands for World Wide Web, which is more commonly known as the Internet.
Because the father or mother was... ... ... good luck. www tinyike com
Www. Shourav.com and www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com www. Shourav.com
Abraham is known as the father of Israel, or the Jews.
Rudolph virchow was known as the father of what?
iknow that aristotle is known as the father of civics