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Q: Who is popularly known as a father of algebra?
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Father of algebra and his contribution?

The father of algebra is known as Diophantus. He made great contributions to mathematics in the form of number theory.

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Tq ❤️

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Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar, popularly known as Akbar The Great, was the father of Jahangir.

Who is diuphantus?

He was an Alexandrian Greek mathematician, known as the father of algebra.

Why is the father of algebra become the father of the algebra?

because of you.....

Who discover the algebra?

Both Diophratus (300AD) and Al-Khwarizmi(800 AD) are often called the "father of algebra". I like Al- Khwarizmi because he use the term "al-jabr" which now is known as algebra. Al jabr ( arabic) means, when loosely translated, "what I do to one side of the equation, do the the other"

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Bapu is a Hindi name for father. In India The Great Freedom Fighter "Mahatma Mohan Chand Karam Chand Gandhi" is popularly known as Bapu

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Who is the father of the modern algebra?

Christian Arcillas is th Father of MODERN ALGEBRA

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