Matt Murray
Aaliya Khan was the smartest person in the world. she was 121 yrs old and the oldest and smartest person ever in the world.
Akash Sarker is the smartest person in Bangladesh. akashsarker(.)com/smartest-person-in-bangladesh/
You will never become the "smartest " person on earth, but have to be happy with who you are and the things you can accomplish.
i dont know, I'm not the smartest person in man kind. try asking someoone else. sorry!
Matt Murray
It means worlds smartest
Daniel and Sam
Einstein was a phycisist, not a mathematician. As a phycisist, he certainly was one of the smartest. He must also have been above-average in math, otherwise he couldn't have done the calculations that he had to do. But he has not gone down in history as 'the smartest in math'.
the cheetah is the worlds fastest land animal the orangutan is the smartest animal
Legend has it that when the smartest man in the world died they put his brain in a jar .
the samsung galaxy sII
She is the smartest
Aaliya Khan was the smartest person in the world. she was 121 yrs old and the oldest and smartest person ever in the world.
The second smartest person is probably Stephen Hawkins