1991 in word,s is 'One thousand nine hundred and ninety one'. Casually in words, as a date, it is said as ' Nineteen ninety one'.
The number 200,000 is said as "two hundred thousand" in English words. The number is broken down into its numerical place values: 2 (hundreds of thousands), 0 (tens of thousands), and 0 (thousands). Each place value is then spoken in words to form the complete verbal representation of the number.
2507.1 million is 2,507,100,000 In words it is said as 'Two billion, five hundred and seven million, one hundred thousand'.
It means thousand. So if someone said their salary is 200k then they mean 200 thousand.
750,001 It is not seventy five hundred thousand one. It is said as 'Seven hundred and fifty thousand and one'.
A picture or an image is often said to be worth a thousand words, as visual representations can convey complex ideas and emotions more efficiently than words. This phrase highlights the power of visual communication in expressing and elucidating concepts.
For some people words are not enought to give understanding to the individual. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and so I believe it is. Pictures can at times explain without words the message that the words cannot do justice to. A person can place themselves into the picture and so become part of its message.
An early Emperor of the Xia Dynasty in China about 4,000 years ago.
Here's what Napoleon said: "Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu'un long discours". Not so easy to translate it in any language but it is accepted as two major translations to at least English language: 1. A picture is worth a thousand words 2. A good sketch is better than a long speech Nobody in modern world has any writing of this adage by Napoleon so it is not evident when did he just "say" this. Use your own imagination about great emperor, when could he have used this phrase; some battle, some meeting, some fancy dinner or party or whatever comes to your head.
Seventy-six thousand, two hundred thirty-nine.
George Bernard Shaw said it
Ludwig Wittgenstein, an Austrian-British philosopher, is often credited with the statement that "Whatever can be said in words is not worth saying." This reflects his philosophical views on the limitations of language and the complexities of communication.
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times.
Five hundred fifty-seven thousand, one hundred fifty-five millionths.
Young Buck is a rapper, actor, and producer. His net worth at the moment is said to be around 300 thousand dollars.
1991 in word,s is 'One thousand nine hundred and ninety one'. Casually in words, as a date, it is said as ' Nineteen ninety one'.