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Q: Who walks at a faster rate someone who walks 60 feet in 10 seconds or someone who walks 42 feet in 6 second?
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What is the average speed for someone who walks 10 m in 2 seconds?

Average speed = 10 meters per 2 seconds.Other ways of stating it:-- 5 meters per second-- 18 kilometers per hour

Does smell affect the speed someone walks?

I think so. If they smell dinner cooking they would walk faster to get it.

Milo walks 40 meters in 15 seconds and mira walks 30 meters in 10 secondswhose walking rat is faster?

Milo: 40m/15s= 8m/3s Mira: 30m/10s= 3m/s. Compare the fractions: 3 = 9/3 9/3 > 8/3 Therefore, Mira walks faster.

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The duration of A Killer Walks is 3420.0 seconds.

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The duration of War Walks is 1800.0 seconds.

How do salamanders move?

they jump faster

What is the speed of a chicken if it walks 30 meters in 10 seconds?

The speed is exactly 30 meters per 10 seconds. It can also be expressed as 3 meters per second, 180 meters per minute, 10.8 kilometers per hour, etc.

If toni walked 100 feet in 20 seconds how many did he walk in 25 seconds?

Velocity (or Speed) = Distance ÷ Time Toni's speed is therefore 100 ÷ 20 = 5 feet per second. Distance = Velocity x Time In 25 seconds, Toni walks, 5 x 25 = 125 feet.

One who walks on foot?

A pedestrian is someone who walks on foot.

What do you call someone that walks?

A barefooter

When is breaking and entering not burglary?

Breaking and entering is not burglary when nothing is actually stolen. If someone breaks a window, enters the house, walks for 5 seconds, then leaves the way they came, that's not burglary. However, it IS breaking and entering.

What do you call someone that walks barefoot?

A barefooter