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he was a Greek philosopher

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Q: Who was Aristotle and what did he do and find out?
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Did Aristotle find gravity?

nope. sir isaac newton

How can you find more information about Aristotle?

You can find more information about Aristotle by reading his works and studying his philosophy, exploring reputable sources such as academic journals and books dedicated to his life and ideas, and researching online resources provided by universities and scholarly institutions. Additionally, visiting libraries and museums that specialize in ancient philosophy can offer valuable insights into Aristotle's life and legacy.

When was Aristotle exiled from Athens?

He was killed by a scared messanger when he was trying to find out the equation to the circumference of circles. There was an army invading and a messenger was sent to tell Aristotle. Aristotle said"DON'T DISTURB MY CIRCLES!!!!!" and the scared messenger murdered him.

What did Aristotle believe about tragedy?

It is impossible to answer you question in a line or two. Aristotle wrote a whole book (his Poetics) as he tried to define tragedy. See if you can find a condensed version - you could try looking on t he Internet for 'Aristotle's definition of tragedy' or 'Aristotle's Poetics'. Good luck!

Where would you look to find more information about Aristotle be specific?

You can find more information about Aristotle in academic journals and books on philosophy, ancient Greek history, and ethics. Online resources such as Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy are also great places to learn about Aristotle's ideas and contributions. Additionally, universities and libraries with strong philosophy departments may have dedicated sections on Aristotle's works and influence.

Where would you look to find more info about Aristotle?

You can find more information about Aristotle in books on philosophy or ancient Greek history, academic articles, and online resources such as university websites or philosophy databases. Biography websites and articles may also provide pertinent information about Aristotle's life, works, and contributions to philosophy.

How did Aristotle teach that people could use logic?

Aristotle taught logic by giving his students riddles and had them logically work through to find the answer. His students learned about logic by using it.

What did Aristotle find out about atoms?

Since it is on your test my guess is that it is in your textbook. So you better get reading.

What did aristole believe about the atom?

help me find Aristotle when he found the atoms please help me!!!!!!!!!

Who compared 158 governments to find the best one and then wrote the book Politics?


When did Aristotle find his atomic theory?

Aristotle did not propose an atomic theory; instead, he rejected the concept of atoms put forth by his predecessor, Democritus. Aristotle believed in the idea of continuous matter rather than discrete particles.

Who was Alexander the Great taught by?

he was taught by aristotle