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Q: Who was Euclid and what were his contributions to the mathematical world?
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What contributions to mathematics did Euclid make?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

What were Euclid's to contributions math?

Euclid of Alexandria was also known as the Father of Geometry. He was a Greek mathematician and philosopher living in the 4th century BC who taught at the university in Alexandria, Egypt. He became known as the Father of Geometry many years after publishing a thirteen volume work called Euclid's Elements in which he compiled and explained all the known mathematics of his time. Euclid's Elements is the world's most famous mathematical work and is also the oldest continuously used mathematical textbook. It is the foundation of the geometry still being taught in schools almost two and one-half millennium after Euclid's death.

What were euclid's contributions to math?

Euclid of Alexandria was also known as the Father of Geometry. He was a Greek mathematician and philosopher living in the 4th century BC who taught at the university in Alexandria, Egypt. He became known as the Father of Geometry many years after publishing a thirteen volume work called Euclid's Elements in which he compiled and explained all the known mathematics of his time. Euclid's Elements is the world's most famous mathematical work and is also the oldest continuously used mathematical textbook. It is the foundation of the geometry still being taught in schools almost two and one-half millennium after Euclid's death.

What mathematical information did Euclid organize?


What did Euclid contribute to mathematics?

Euclid is best known for being the Father of geometry. He also created the oldest mathematical school teaching book called 'Euclid's Elements' which is still being used in school's world wide.

What were some of the contributions of Euclid?

Geometry :D

What is one ancient mathematical text?

Elements by Euclid

What was the Elements that Euclid wrote?

Euclid's Elements is a mathematical and geometric treatiseconsisting of 13 books written by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egyptc. 300 BC. It is a collection of definitions, postulates (axioms), propositions (theoremsand constructions), and mathematical proofs of the propositions.

Was Euclid's elements was the first systematic organization of mathematical geometry?


What is the contribution of Euclid to the development of geometry?

For his major study, Elements, Euclid collected the work of many mathematicians who preceded him. Among these were Hippocrates of Chios, Theudius, Theaetetus, and Eudoxus. Euclid's vital contribution was to gather, compile, organize, and rework the mathematical concepts of his predecessors into a consistent whole, later to become known as Euclidean geometry.More: Euclid's Elements is the basis of geometry taught in schools today, more than 2000 years after it was written.

Did Euclid make prime numbers?

No, prime numbers already existed. Euclid simply made some important mathematical contributions related to prime numbers. Among others, he discovered a surprisingly simple proof that the set of prime numbers is infinite; and he discovered that the prime factorization of any natural number is unique.

How do the Babylonians' contributions benefit mankind?

The Babylonians contributed Geometry, Trigonometry, and one of the oldest mathematical texts, Plimpton 322, to the world. Without these contributions, we would not have had a basis for common mathematical functions in today's educational system.