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Q: Who was burned at the stake as a herectic for teaching that the bible had greater authority than the pope?
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Was burned at the stake as a heretic for teaching that the Bible had greater authority than the Pope?

John Hus was burned at the stake for numerous heresies, and he certainly appealed to the Bible on most of these. I don't know if he ever specifically came out and said that the Bible had greater authority than the Pope. I can't imagine any Catholic believing such a thing as the Popes were appointed by Our Blessed Lord Himself beginning with St. Peter in Matthew 16:17-19, and the Bible was not put together and promulgated until nearly four hundred years later.As Our Blessed Lord did appoint a pope and never wrote anything other than some words in the dirt, and it was the Pope who promulgated the Bible, such a theory would be considered absurd by any right thinking man.

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Mary I was a catholic. She burned protestants at the stake because she believed everyone should bow to Papal authority.

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John Hus was burned at the stake for heresy against the doctrines of the Catholic Church, including those on ecclesiology, the Eucharist, and other theological topics. (from Wikipedia) I'm not sure what he said about Christ forgiving sins, as that is the teaching of the Catholic Church.

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Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of Rochester and later Bishop of London was burned at the stake in Oxford on 16th October 1555. His execution was for his opposition to authority of the Pope in England.

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