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Q: Who was the famous mathematician that made a discovery after an apple fell on his head?
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Who is the most famous mathematician know for the laws of gravity?

Isaac Newton(1643-1727) is the man . The legend is that an apple fell on his head and prompted him to study gravity.

Who discovered the gravitational force and how?

That is a famous story.Issac Newton was sitting under an apple tree.Suddenly an appke fell down to Newton's head.He thought about this,'What is the reason,this apple fell to the ground rather staying in air or going up'.This lead him to the discovery of Gravity.

How did Newton discovery the force called gravity?

An apple fell on his head and wonder why it was pulled to earth

Who is known for the famous incident in which an apple fell on his head?

Sir Isaac Newton is known for the famous incident in which an apple fell on his head, inspiring his thoughts on gravity and leading to his development of the law of universal gravitation.

Who was famous on his theory of gravity?

Isaac Newton when an apple fell from a tree onto his head.

Where did Steve Jobs get the name 'apple' from?

Funny question! The name came from the inspiring apple that fell on Isaac Newton's head. If you don't recall it, the apple that fell from the tree made young Isaac wonder what made the apple fall, leading to the discovery of gravity. You can actually look up the original apple logo with the apple tree you can't miss it, it's in black and white.

What color was the apple that fell on isaac newtons head?

There is no historical record of the color of the apple that fell on Isaac Newton's head. The famous story about Newton's apple and the theory of gravity is a popular myth that has been passed down over the years.

Which scientist discovered gravity?

Gravity is a term coined by Sir Isaac Newton. Newton discovered Gravity. He noticed this phenomena in the world famous story when an Apple fell down from a tree under which Newton was sitting, and Newton thought, as to why the apple fall down and not upwards or sideways. Hence leading to his discovery of Gravity.

What was Isaac's newton great discovery?

Isaac Newton's greatest discovery was his formulation of the laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. These discoveries revolutionized the fields of physics and astronomy, providing a foundation for understanding the motion of objects on Earth and in space.

What fell on Isaacs newtons head?

an apple...

Is an An apple fell a complete sentence?

What is the invention Isacc neuton?

Isaac Newton is best known for his discovery of the laws of motion and universal gravitation. His invention of calculus also had a significant impact on mathematics and science. Additionally, he made contributions to optics, developing the theory of colors and the reflecting telescope.