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Nobody knows who was first because they were invented thousands of years ago in Babylon.
Around 2500BC the first Abacus appeared in Sumaria. It arrived in Persia about 600BC. The Greek Abacus is recorded to have been in use about 500BC
Thailand vegetable vendors use abacus, nowadays abacus is gaining popularity in India, US and taught by many schools
The abacus was used in Russian even as late as 1976 in grocery stores in Moscow. Basically any country that does not have access to a cheap pocket calculator. I'm sure you can find many places in third world countries that use it for business transactions. It needs no batteries and when used by a person proficient in abacus, it can provide a correct answer as quick as a calculator.
Nobody knows who was first because they were invented thousands of years ago in Babylon.
During the Achaemenid Persian Empire, around 600 BC the Persians first began to use the abacus but I don't think history has documented it's inventor-someone will correct me or add if I am wrong..
your uncle face p
Around 2500BC the first Abacus appeared in Sumaria. It arrived in Persia about 600BC. The Greek Abacus is recorded to have been in use about 500BC
An abacus.
well here is the answer ! :)Some people use the abacus to solve some mathematical calculations
Credit is given to the ancient China but it was widely used in the ancient world
for example , 122marisbman
One of the advantages of the abacus is that it is easy to use. Another is that it does not require electricity to work. You can use it no matter where you are.
China Answer: The abacus has a history going back to 2500 BCE when it was first used in Sumeria.Later and improved versions were in use in Babylonia, Egypt, Persia, India, China, Rome and Greece. There are reports of abaci in India as early as the 1st century CE. The first use of Chinese abacus is not documented until the 14th Century CE although there is evidence in Chinese illustrations that they were in common use as early as 1100 CE. It was similar to the modern abacus. From China the abacus spread into Japan and Korea.Some scholars point to an independent development of the abacus in Mesoamerica by the Mayans and Aztecs. These were of course based on the base 20 not 10 as in Asia and Europe.
Known as a counting devise, the abacus has been in use for many centuries
Computers are first discovered by early humans. They use stones and sticks in adding or subtracting. Until 300+ BC, Chinese invented the abacus, the first calculator ever made.