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Q: Who was the monastic rule named after?
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The monastic rule named after who that established the way to show one's devotion to god?

-St. Benedict This answer is TRUE

What is the translation of La Soberania Monacal?

The translation of "La Soberania Monacal" is "Monastic Sovereignty" in English.

What did Saint Pachomius and Saint Basil write?

Saint Pachomius wrote a set of rules for organizing and governing monastic communities, known as the "Pachomian Rule." Saint Basil wrote "The Longer Rule" and "The Shorter Rule," which outlined guidelines for monastic life and communal living in Christian monasteries.

What are Saint Benedict's rules for monastic life called?

It is called Regula Sancti Benedicti - the rule of Saint Benedict or, simply, Regula - the rule. To read the Rule, click on this link.

Did the rule of st Benedict change monastic life?

Yes, the Rule of St. Benedict had a significant impact on shaping and standardizing monastic life in the Western Christian tradition. It emphasized qualities such as obedience, humility, and community living, providing a structured framework for daily routines, prayer, work, and regulations within monasteries. St. Benedict's rule promoted stability, order, and spiritual growth among monks, influencing subsequent religious orders and monastic practices.

What was so special about Italian monk named Benedict?

Benedict founded the Benedictine monastic order.

Who are the Augustinians?

The Augustinians, named after Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430), are several Christian monastic orders and congregations of both men and women living according to a guide to religious life known as the Rule of Saint Augustine.See related links for further information.

What is a monastic house?

A monastic house is a residence where members of a religious order, such as monks or nuns, live a communal life dedicated to prayer, work, and contemplation. These houses are often organized around a specific religious tradition and follow a prescribed rule of life.

What did St. Benedict establish?

St. Benedict established the Benedictine Order, a monastic community with a set of rules known as the Rule of St. Benedict. This rule emphasized prayer, work, and community living, and it became one of the most influential guides for monastic life in Western Christianity.

Whose rule for monks helped organize and spread western monasticism?

St. Benedict, the founder of the Benedictine and several other monastic orders

Which is a book written by an early christian monk to describe the daily schedule of work and prayer for monastic life?

"The Rule of Saint Benedict" is a book written by an early Christian monk that outlines the daily schedule of work and prayer for monastic life. This rule was created by Saint Benedict of Nursia in the 6th century and is still followed by Benedictine monks and nuns today.

When was A Monastic Trio created?

A Monastic Trio was created in 1968.