

Who was the zaboor given to?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: Who was the zaboor given to?
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In Islam which holy book was Hazrat Dawood given?

the answer is ZABOOR

What is the English name for zaboor?


What is the name of holy book zaboor in english?

I think it is "Zabur" and also written Zaboor. Actually in Arabic it is Al.Zaboor (azaboor) or زبور. It is before Torah and was given to Prophet Dawood or David. He was father of Suleman or Soloman. Thanks

What is the language of zaboor?

Zaboor is a word from the Arabic language, and it refers to the biblical Psalms in Islam. The language of the Zaboor is typically Arabic or the original Hebrew in the Bible.

Is zaboor the first holy book of Islam?

The Zaboor (pslams in the Bible) was revealed to Hazrat Dawud Alayhis-Salaam.

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What are the important items of Muslim cultural heritage?

The important things is Touraat, Holy Qu'ran, Injeel and Zaboor.

What are the names of Allah's books?

Books . Prophet Pslams . Dawud (David) Torah . Musa(Moses) Bible . Isa(Jesus) Qur'an . Muhammad(pbuh)

What are the names of 4 holy books?

The Quran, Zaboor, Torah and The Bible are the four holy books. Judaism: The Torah Hinduism: The Bhagavad Gita Islam: The Qur'an Baha'i Faith: The Kitab-i-Iqan Christianity: The New Testament Someone's amended answer at the top references the Zaboor. The Zaboor are the Psalms of Dawood (David), which are included in the Jewish Tanakh and thus NOT a separate holy book.

What is name of hazrat Dawood As?

Hazrat Dawood (A.S.) (English: David) is one of the prophets in Islam and Allah's prophets; on whom the Holy book "Zaboor" was revealed.

What is the name of prophet to whom taurat was revealed?

The Taurat was revealed to Hazrat Moses (AS) and The Zaboor was revealed to Hazrat Dauood (David). The Bible was revealed to Hazrat Jesus Christ (AS) and the Holy Qura'an was revealed to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

What does Islam present?

Islam represent the way to live your life on earth and it means peace by submitting your will to Allah..!! Like jesus(pbuh) said it is also written in torah and zaboor