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if the gcd and lcm are given and one of the numbers are also given,multiply the gcd and lcm and divide them by the given number

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Q: How do you find the numbers given the gcd and lcm?
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What is the gcd and LCM of 750?

You need at least two numbers to find either of those.

The gcd of 72 and 252 is 36 find their LCM?

If you have two numbers m and n and their gcd (or gcf), g then their LCM = m*n/g so LCM = 72*252/36 = 2*252 = 504.

Compute the gcd and LCM of two numbers?

If you have the gcd or the LCM of two numbers, call them a and b, you can use the relationship that gcd(a,b) = (a multiplied by b) divided by LCM (a,b) where LCM or gcd (a,b) means the LCM or a and b. This means the gcd multiplied by the LCM is the same as the product of two numbers. Let's assume you have neither. There are several ways to do this. One way to approach both problems at once is to factor each number into primes. You can use these prime factorizations to find both the LCM and gcd To compute the Greatest common divisor, list the common prime factors and raise each to the least multiplicities that occurs among the several whole numbers. To compute the least common multiple, list all prime factors and raise each to the greatest multiplicities that occurs among the several whole numbers.

How do you write a C program to find the GCD and LCM of two numbers using a switch statement?

The following function will return the GCD or LCM of two arguments (x and y) depending on the value of the fct argument (GCD or LCM). enum FUNC {GCD, LCM}; int gcd_or_lcm(FUNC fct, int x, int y) { int result = 0; switch (fct) { case (GCD): result = gcd (x, y); break; case (LCM): result = lcm (x, y); break; } return result; }

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Find the GCD and LCM for 351 and 273?

The GCF is 39 The LCM is 2457.

What is the GCM of 5 6 and 7?

I think you mean either the GCD or the LCM? Not sure which since they are relatively prime, the LCM will the the product of the three numbers and the GCD is 1

What is the LCM of 42 and 7?

The LCM of any two numbers can be found with the following formula:LCM(a,b) = (ab) / GCD (a,b).The GCD of two numbers is best found with the Euclidean algorithm which is as follows:GCD(a,b) =a --if b = 0or GCD(b, a mod b) otherwiseIn the example given we have GCD(42,7) = GCD(7, 0) = 7Then LCM(42,7) = (7*42)/7 = 42Note: mod is the operation of dividing one number by another and taking the remainder. e.g. 7 mod 4 = 3, 12 mod 6 = 0.

If the GCD of two number is 16 and product of the number is 3584 find the LCM?

If we multiply the gcd and the LCM, we get the numbers.Call the numbers a and b. So 16(LCM)=ab3584=ab let's all the LCM, x 16x=a(3584/a)using the information above.x= 1/16(3584)or x=224 So the LCM is 224 we can just say the (gcd)LCM=ab=3584, so just divide 3584 by 16.

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At least two or more numbers must be given to find the LCM of them

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GCD = 39 LCM = 1,755

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To find the LCM there must be at least 2 or more numbers given.