Adolf Hitler, Hirohito, Benito Mussolini, Miklós Horthy, Ion Antonescu, and Boris III
Next to the axis. Next to the axis. Next to the axis. Next to the axis.
The y- axis in the vertical axis and the x-axis in the horizantal axis
The horizontal axis is the x axis and the vertical axis is the y axis
The x-axis in coordinate geometry is the horizontal axis and the y-axis is the vertical axis.
The ordinate axis, often designated as Y axis The horizontakl axis is the abcissa axis, often designated as X axis
Both Adolph Hitler of Germany and Benito Mussolini of Italy were Fascist Leaders and members of the Axis in WW2
Axis leaders were evil, power hungry, & wanted to take over the world. Allied leaders were good, believed in freedom, & wanted peace.
Hitler and mussilini
Russian was part of the "Great Alliance," and fought against the Axis Evils.
hitler,general amsel
The major Axis leaders were:Adolf Hitler - GermanyBenito Mussolini - ItalyEmperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Hideki Tojo - Japan
The Axis forces in the battle of the bluge were German, so Adolf Hitler was their leader.
Axis Leaders, or "Evil Axis" leaders were;Italy-Benito MussoliniGermany- Adolf HitlerJapan-Monarch was Emperor Hirohito. When Japan made its incursion into China in 1937 the Prime Minister was Fumimaro Konoe. Then again, Hideki Tojo became the Prime Minister on 18 October 1941.
That it was the most horrible war/ atrocity in history and that millions upon millions of innocents were murdered by evils. (virtually evils considering how just brutal and savage the Axis-powers were.
Hitler, Mussolini Tojo