When working with really large or really small numbers.
Scientific notation is a short hand way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small such as 10,000,000 = 1.0*107 or 0.0000001 = 1.0*10-7
Scientific notation is a way to write very large or very small numbers using exponents. For example 2000 is 2x103 . We can do the same thing with negative exponents and write very small numbers like 1/2000 which is 2x10-3 . So one real life use of exponents in in scientific notation.
2.750389x10^6 or if you are a real physicist you would be lazy and write 2.75x10^6
When working with really large or really small numbers.
what is 0.652 from real to scientific notation
Scientific notation is a short hand way of expressing numbers that are very large or very small such as 10,000,000 = 1.0*107 or 0.0000001 = 1.0*10-7
Scientific notation is a way to write very large or very small numbers using exponents. For example 2000 is 2x103 . We can do the same thing with negative exponents and write very small numbers like 1/2000 which is 2x10-3 . So one real life use of exponents in in scientific notation.
Yes and it would normally be expressed in scientific notation.
2.750389x10^6 or if you are a real physicist you would be lazy and write 2.75x10^6
Yes, every positive real number has a real square root. If you would write your number in scientific notation, I could tell you what the root is.
large ocean, outer space, and atoms
Scientific notation is useful for very large or very small numbers. If you use such numbers in your "real world", then scientific notation will be very useful. This may be the case, for example, when you work in science or engineering. Otherwise, if you don't work in an area that uses such large or small numbers, you probably won't find much use for them.
It helps simplifies large numbers. If your occupation requires you to deal with million, billions, trillions, or larger, then scientific notation saves a lot of time and confusion.
In both notations a number is represented in the form a*10^b where a is a real number and bis an integer.In scientific notation, 1