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Q: Who wrote this quote - 'reality is merely an illusion although a very persistent one few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts'?
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Are reality shows boon or bane?

yes. reality shows are a boon as they show the hearts of common people through their talents

Is kingdom of hearts a movie or a game?

Although the name Kingdom of hearts sounds cool, the game is called Kingdom hearts.

Who will be the villains in Kingdom Hearts 3?

Who knows? Tetsuya Nomura, the creator of Kingdom Hearts, hasn't even started creating a third game yet. He says that a Kingdom Hearts 3 may come to reality in a couple years.

What system is Kingdom Hearts for?

The game titled Kingdom Hearts is for the Playstation 2 system, although the series of Kingdom Hearts is for many systems, including the DS, PSP and cell phone.

What religion are the Gosselin family of the reality-TV show 'Jon and Kate Plus 8'?

They claim to be Christians but no one knows their hearts.

Is Kingdom Hearts going tobe made into a movie?

As of December 2010, a Kingdom Hearts film has not been announced, although I think the chances are very high.

Kingdom Hearts 3 for DS?

first off Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't been decided yet. kingdom hearts 358/2 days is the only kingdom hearts game to be realised on DS and or DSi. Birth by Sleep is what most people prefer to as kingdom hearts 3 although it isn't will only be released on PSP

Does anyone have a site that has a virtual world of kingdom hearts?

Yes I think they do actually. although let me check. !

In kingdom hearts 2 where do you get the dark crystal?

There is no such thing as a dark crystal, although you might be talking about lucid.

Cheats on Kingdom Hearts one?

nope. none. there aren't any cheats for Kingdom Hearts, although you can modify your game if you buy something called Action Replay and then you can change aspects of the game.

Is Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix in English?

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ is a Japanese game. Although the voice acting is only in Japanese, there is an option to enable English subtitles.

Who is the ruler of Alice's Wonderland?

You might say it was the Royal Couple, the King and Queen of Hearts. In reality, the absolute ruler of Wonderland was Alice, because it was all her imagination.