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Q: Whose testimony comes to question when she cannot faint on demand?
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Whose testimony comes into question when she cannot faint on demand?

Mary Warren:]

Whose testimony is questioned when she cannot faint on demand?

mary warren

Whose testimony comes into question when she cannot faint on demand A. Mrs. Putnam B. Elizabeth Proctor C. Tituba D. Mary Warren?

Mary Warren of course... but what I don't get is why precisely she couldn't faint...

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I cannot answer this question.

When do you use the word whose in a sentence?

In addition to its use as a interrogative (question), you use "whose" to refer back to a noun (but not a pronoun). Note that the word "who's" is NOT a possessive form, but the contraction of the phrase "who is".Examples :Brittany Spears, whose alleged bad behavior has been widely reported, was again in the newspapers.Oprah Winfrey, whose talk show "Oprah" is seen by millions of people every day, announced she will end her show soon.* You cannot use "whose" to refer back to a pronoun that is used in place of a noun.Wrong: He, whose testimony helped convict the politician, went on to get a book deal.Right: John Smith, whose testimony helped convict the politician, went on to get a book deal.* Where the pronoun is NOT possessive, use the pronoun phrase or contraction.He spoke to the official who is in charge of the investigation. (not whose)Who's the best pitcher in baseball? (not whose)

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There can be no possible answer to this question. Volume cannot be measured in g. Mass cannot be measured in cm - nor can volume.

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The answer is in the question! 5 Hz Also, a wavelength cannot be 5 cycles - wrong units.

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This question cannot be answered because the question does not specify the country whose pennies are being weighed! There are very many countries whose minor currency units are pennies including, oddly enough, the US which cannot make up its mind whether it is a cent or a penny!