

Why 2 hands instead of 3?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Why 2 hands instead of 3?
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What is another 3 letter word for however?

But: instead of: however, he then washed his hands You could say: But then he washed his hands

What is 2 hand touch football?

instead of tackling you touch the person with 2 hands to get a down

Why don't humans have 3 hands?

because we were made with 2 hands and if we had 3 hands it could be harder to do some stuff

What has more hands than feet?

A clock: 2 or 3 hands, 0 feet.

How many hands of a clock?

Clocks have 0, 2 or 3 hands: 0 (digital clocks), 2 (hour and minute), 3 (hour, minute and second).

What is the answer to 1 feet 2 hands 3 face?

feet first

How many degrees are between the hands at 2 o'clock?

There are 30 degrees between the hands at 2 o'clock. Bear in mind that a clock face is a circle of 360 degrees. At 3 o'clock the hands form a right-angle, which is 90 degrees. (90 / 3 = 30 degrees.

From a standard 52 card deck how many 5 card hands will have 3 spades and 2 hearts?

The maximum number of 5-card hands with 3 spades and 2 hearts is 4. The least is 0. There are 13 spade cards and if at least 3 spades are needed in a hand, only 4 hands can be formed.

In a party of 35 people shake hand with everyone?

595 If you have 35 people and everyone shakes hands with everone else, you have 35x34/2 total handshakes. To see this think of three people, and fix one of them, say it's you! You shake hands with everyone meaning you shake hands with 2 people And each of them shakes hands with each other, that is two people other than you so the total 2+1= 3 which is 3x2/2 Try it with 4, you shake hand with 3 people, and they all shake hands with each other so we have your 3 plus 3 more. To see the three more, just look at what we just did above. 4x3/2=6, We divide by 2 to avoid double counting. Because you shake hands with me and I shake hands with you, but we only shake hands once, so divide the total by 2. In general for n people at a party, we have n(n-1)/2handshakes.

How do you move your hands?

here are the steps... 1. go to the toilet 2. pee on your hands 3. now they will suddenly start moving HUZZAH your hands may now move.

Why do fishes have fins instead of hands?

Fish use fins to help them swim better. If you go swimming, you will swim faster, with swim fins, instead of just feet. Fins are better for fish instead of hands.

If a clock show 3.45 what is the acute angle between the hands of the clock?

1) 190 2) 150 3) 16 2/3 4) 931/2