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Q: Why As water is cooled from 4 and deg to 0 and deg its density?
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How temperature affect the density of water?

The density of water increases as its temperature increases from 0 deg C to 4 deg C (the anomalous expansion phase). Above 4 deg C, the density decreases with temperature.

What is the density if water is cooled fron 4 degrees celcius to 0 degrees celcius?

The density of water increases as it cools from 4 degrees Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius. At 4 degrees Celsius, the density of water is 999.972 kg/m³, and at 0 degrees Celsius the density is 999.8395 kg/m³.

What form will water be at 2 degree centigrade?

At 2 deg. C water is a mainly liquid. Some of it might 'disappear' as dry air may be humidified by the water. Ice, however is not to be expected, as pure water melts at 0 deg. C. Contamination of the water (salt) may lower this melting point. The freezing of water doesn't have to take place at 0 deg. C. Pure water can be super-cooled at temperatures as low as -40 deg. C before it freezes. Contamination by small particles helps water freezing at higher sub-zero temperatures. Agitating super-cooled water is also a means of freezing it instantly.

As water is cooled from 4 degrees C to 0 degrees C its density?

4° C is the temperature of maximum density for water. Change temperature in either direction from there -- whether you warm it or cool it -- the density decreases.

As water is cooled from 4 degrees Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius it's density is what?

As water cools from 4 degrees Celsius to 0 degrees Celsius, its density decreases. This decrease in density is due to the formation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules, causing them to arrange in a more organized structure that takes up more space, decreasing the overall density of the water.

What is the physical state of water at 0 and deg celsius?

At 0 degrees Celsius, water is in a solid state, known as ice.

How does the density of water change as a function of temperature?

The density of water decreases as temperature increases up to 4°C, where it reaches its maximum density. As water goes below 4°C, it starts to expand and becomes less dense. This is because water molecules form a more organized structure at lower temperatures, leading to the expansion of the substance.

Why do some substances change when they are heated or cooled?

When substances are heated or cooled, the energy of their particles changes. Heating causes particles to move faster and increase in energy, which can result in changes such as melting, vaporization, or chemical reactions. Cooling causes particles to slow down and lose energy, leading to changes like freezing or condensation. These processes are due to the rearrangement of particles and their interactions at the molecular level.

Which will have the greater density water at 40 degrees Celsius or water at -20 degrees Celsius?

Water at 40 degrees Celsius will have a greater density compared to water at -20 degrees Celsius. This is because water density decreases as temperature increases up to 4 degrees Celsius, and then increases beyond that point. At 40 degrees Celsius, water is in its most dense state before it starts to decrease in density as it gets closer to boiling temperature.

How do you compare substances to water using a mass to volume relationship?

You can compare the density, which is mass/volume. For pure water at normal atmospheric pressure this is approximately 1 gram per cm3 although in fact it is has a maximum value of 0.999 972 0 g/cm3 at 4 deg C. At 100 deg C it is 0.958 4 g/cm3 and at 0 deg C it is 0.999 839 5 g/cm3 .

When does water boil and freeze on the celsius scale?

At normal pressure, pure water boils at 100 deg C and freezes at 0 deg C.

Can a temperature on the celsius scale go below zero?

The Celsius or centigrade scale runs from -273 deg C to you name it. 0 deg C is the freezing point of pure water 100 deg C is the boiling point of water. 15,000,000 deg C is the core temperature of the Sun The Kelvin scale (K) uses the same units. -273 deg C = 0 deg K. 0 deg K is also known as absolute zero, the point at which no further heat energy can be extracted from a system