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Q: Why On a map or globe what is a set of intersecting lines that appear at regular intervals?
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What is the value of a 1936 Cram's unrivaled terrestrial globe?

The value of your globe depends largely on the mounting as well as condition. Cram's globes manufactured pre WW2 (as yours)are still relatively common and range in value from $30 for a standard model to around $1000 for the most ornate piece. If the globe has regular colored oceans (blue-green) and a standard plain mount (dowel through the globe and a base) it's value is of the least. As the mounting becomes more ornate, the price goes up. Standard globes with half or full meridians range between $50 and $150. Two of Cram's models, most in demand by globe collectors,will be of highest value: The 10.5 inch illuminated glass globe with yellow oceans, which has a serpent finished in bronze and copper accents as a base. This globe, in good condition can have a value between $800 and exceeding $1000. Another model is the globe with silver colored oceans. Based on how ornate the mounting is, the globe will have a value of several hundred dollars.

What three dimensional shape is globe?

The shape of the globe is a sphere.

What is the area of a globe?

Surface area of a globe or sphere = 4*pi*radius2

What is the distance around the globe?

the distance around the globe at the equator is 40075 km.

Would a globe weigh 1440 grams or 1440 kilograms?

It could weigh either, depending upon the size of the globe and the material used to make the globe. A desktop globe would weigh in the region of 1440 g = 1.44 kg A monument globe placed in a park would likely weigh in the region of 1440 kg = 1.44 t.

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On a map or globe what is a set intersecting lines that appear at regular intervals?


Did the globe theatre have intervals?

Me gusta.

The intersecting parallel meridian lines in a globe or map?

Meridians are not parallel. Apart from that, what is the question?

How long were the intervals during shakespeares plays at the globe?

They didn't have any intervals at the Globe, because there was no reason for them. People couldn't take bathroom breaks because there were no bathrooms. At the Blackfriars, however, the lighting was by candlelight, and so they needed four brief intervals to trim and change the candles as required. This would only have taken a few minutes, but it cemented the practice of dividing the plays into five acts.

What are intersecting lines drawn on a globe?

Intersecting lines drawn on a globe are typically latitude and longitude lines. Latitude lines run east-west and measure degrees north or south of the equator. Longitude lines run north-south and measure degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian. Their intersections pinpoint specific locations on Earth and are used for navigation and mapping.

What is another name for the lines that run across the globe east-west called besides latitude?

The lines on the globe are not called "latitude", any more than the marks on a thermometer are called "temperature". The lines on the globe that mark intervals of latitude are called "parallels" of latitude.

What show shapes as they appear when the globe is viewed from space?

Orthographic projections

In which did the newspaper the new globe appear?

The new york times. lalalalalalalalalalalalalala

How do you find equidistant points on a globe?

In spherical geometry we look at the globe as the sphere S^2. Any plane intersecting the sphere will create a great circle. Now if you take any point on the globe and reflect it across that plane, you have another point that is equidistant from the plane. The sets of all these points will be equidistant from the great circle.

How do meridians that appear on a cylindrical projection differ from meridians on a globe?

they appear as straight lines.i needed help w this (?] too shoooot.aha,

How many lines of latitude are there when drawn at interval of 1 degree each?

There are 180 lines of latitude when drawn at intervals of 1 degree each, ranging from the equator at 0 degrees to the North Pole at 90 degrees North and the South Pole at 90 degrees South.

How do meridians that appear on cylindrical projection differ from meriidians on a globe?

Meridians on a cylindrical projection appear as straight vertical lines on the map, while meridians on a globe are smooth curves meeting at the poles. The distortion of meridians increases as you move away from the equator on a cylindrical projection, making them seem more elongated.