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Q: Why X to the power of pi is undefined when X is negative?
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The negative reciprocal of zero would be any undefined fraction. 0/x=0 negative reciprocal: -(x/0)= undefined.

What is the derivative of sin x power 0?

I think you are asking "what is the derivative of [sin(x)]^0=sin^0(x)?" and I shall answer this accordingly. Recall that x^0 = 1 whenever x is not 0. On the other hand, also notice that 0^0 is generally left undefined. Thus, sin^0(x) is the function f(x) such that f(x) is undefined when x = n(pi) and 1 everywhere else. As a result, on every open interval not containing a multiple of pi, i.e. on (n(pi), (n+1)(pi)) the derivative will be zero, since f is just a constant function on these intervals, and whenever x is a multiple of pi, the derivative at x will be undefined. Thus, [d/dx]sin^0(x) is undefined whenever x = n(pi) and 0 everywhere else. In some cases, mathematicians define 0^0 to be 1, and if we were to use this convention, sin^0(x) = 1 for all x, and its derivative would just be 0.

Where is trigonometric function in negative?

In the domain [0, 2*pi],sin is negative for pi < x < 2*picos is negative pi/2 < x < 3*pi/2 andtan is negative for pi/2 < x < pi and 3*pi/2 < x < pi.Also, the same applies for all intervals obtained by adding any integer multiple of 2*pi to the bounds.

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Solve 8x to the zero power?

Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.Any number to the power zero is equal to 1 - except zero to the power zero, which is undefined. So, if x is not equal to zero, the answer is 1.

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For 0 &lt; x &lt; pi. sin(x) is positive,for pi &lt; x &lt; 2*pi, sin(x) is negative and these intervals can be left or right-shifted by any multiple of 2*pi radians.

How do you evaluate the following expression arccot of the negative square root of three without using a calculator?

since x is negative you use the identity cot-1(x)=tan-1(1/x)+pi. Tan-1(1/-sqrt3) + pi 5pi/6 + pi =pi

How power of 1 is undefined form?

The Yth power of X, or XY is the value you get when you multiply Y number of X's together. If X is equal to 1, however, it does not matter how many 1's you multiply - the answer is alway 1, therefore 1X is not useful and is undefined.

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y=x^pid/dx=pi*(x^pi-1)This is true because of power rule.d/dx (x^a)=a(x^(a-1))

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A negative power. When something is to the power of negative two, say X it would be 1/X. If something is to the power of negative 3, it would be.... etc