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Q: Why abnormal demand curves are vertical or horizontal?
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The horizontal sum of all individual demand curves is known as?

The MArket Demand Curve

What causes abnormal demand curve?

Prices falling can cause abnormal demand curve. Any kind of changes to the price, production, etc. can also cause abnormal curves in demand.

What does a The horizontal summing of individual demand curves create?

blunt blow

What does the demand curve state?

As price (on the horizontal) increases, demand (on the vertical) will decrease.

What are the Causes of abnormal supply curve?

Prices falling can cause abnormal demand curve. Any kind of changes to the price, production, etc. can also cause abnormal curves in demand.

Why do single firms in perfectly competitive markets face horizontal demand curves?


In a graph of price vertical axis verses quantity horizontal demand is downward sloping because?

market demand

What term is used to describe a visual with vertical and horizontal lines plot supply and demand?


What is the meaning of the term Demand Curve?

The demand curve means a graphcurve that normally slopes downward towards the right of thechart(except for aGiffen good, where it slopes toward the left), showingquantityof aproduct(good orservice) demanded at differentpricelevels. Customarily, the price is plotted on vertical ('Y') axis and quantity on the horizontal ('X') axis, and it is assumed that (in theshort run)incomelevels, price ofsubstitutes, andcustomerpreferences, remain unchanged. Demand curves of theindividualproductsare aggregated to give amarket demand curveand, when drawn together with thesupply curves, show theequilibrium priceat the intersection of the two curves. See link below.

What is a visual with vertical and horizontal lines to plot supply and demand?


A demand curve which is parallel to the vertical axis is?

When the demand curve is horizontal to the x axis, it is said to be elastic and therefore more responsive to changes in price. When the demand curve is vertical, it is more inelastic and consumers will be more apt to purchase a good regardless of the price.

Why demand curve slops downward from left to right?

The demand / supply graph is designed to have supply on the vertical axis (Y) and demand on the horizontal (X). Thus you will have a higher supply = lower demand, or lower supply = high demand.