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Q: Why absolute rest and absolute motion do not exist?
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Why is the idea of absolute motion or rest misleading?

The idea of absolute motion or rest is misleading because motion is always relative to other objects. There is no universal reference point that determines absolute motion or rest. This concept is further supported by Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which states that there is no absolute frame of reference in the universe.

Is there anybody in absolute rest or anbsolute motion?

No, according to the principle of relativity in physics, there is no absolute rest or absolute motion. All motion is relative to a reference point, and there is no privileged reference frame at rest.

Are motion and rest absolute or relative?

Motion and rest are relative concepts, as they depend on the frame of reference from which they are observed. An object in motion appears differently depending on the frame of reference from which it is observed, so motion and rest are not absolute but rather determined by the observer's perspective.

Can rest and motion be absolute but how and in which theory?

No, they can't. But they are in Isaac Newton's classic theory of motion.

1 Can the state of absolute rest or motion be defined for any object?

No, the state of absolute rest or motion cannot be defined for any object because motion is always relative to a reference point. There is no universal reference point to determine absolute rest or motion.

What is absolute rest and absolute motion?

Absolute rest is the concept that an object is not moving at all in relation to a fixed reference point, while absolute motion is the concept that an object is moving at a constant velocity in a straight line without any acceleration in relation to a fixed reference point. These concepts are foundational in classical physics but are not applicable in modern physics due to the theory of relativity.

Is there anybody in this world is in absolute rest?

No, according to the principle of relativity in physics, there is no frame of reference that is considered to be in absolute rest. All motion is relative, meaning that an object's state of rest or motion can only be described in relation to another object or a particular frame of reference.

Does absolute motion only exist in outer space?

There is no such thing as "absolute motion" - neither in outer space, nor anywhere else. Motion must always be specified in relationship to some other object.

Is speed a dominat trait?

Motion is a fundamental property of the universe, nothing is at absolute rest.

What is absolute rest?

Absolute rest refers to a state where an object is not moving at all in relation to its surroundings. In physics, it is a theoretical concept that is not achievable due to the constant motion of the universe.

Are rest and motion absolute or relative terms?

Rest and motion are relative terms, meaning they are defined in relation to a particular frame of reference. An object at rest in one frame of reference may be in motion in another frame. This concept is a key aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Is the inertial reference frame an absolute reference frame?

No, an inertial reference frame is not an absolute reference frame. It is a frame of reference in which an object either remains at rest or moves with constant velocity in a straight line, but it is not considered absolute as its motion can be affected by external forces.