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Q: Why after an experiment has been done and data have been collected what is the next thing that should be done with data?
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The incorrect hypothesis may be discarded, or it can be modified until it is consistent with all the data that has been collected.

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An event, unless it already had been occured and the experiment tries to resolve posterior probabilities on the event

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Data that is collected may have been collected previously for some reason, or it might have been collected recently. Data is usually collected to show statistics or information about something specific.

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"It was already collected" is correct. This phrase indicates that the action of collecting occurred in the past.

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The only independent variable in Paola's experiment should have been the factor that she intentionally manipulated or varied in order to observe its effect on the dependent variable. This allows her to determine any causal relationships between the independent variable and the outcomes.

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If your trash has not been collected in over a week, and you receive trash pickup through your town, you should contact your city hall. You may also be able to find a local company that specializes in disposal services to pick up your trash as well.

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You BREAK it!