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Q: The same experiment was conducted 8 times. How many times should the results have been similar for them to be valid?
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What happends if you test a hypothesis multiple times and the data doesn't support your prediction?

That means that your prediction was wrong and that you should include your results in the conclusion and try to explain some of the reasons why your prediction was wrong and if it was wrong because you were doing the experiment wrong.

Would a small deviation in an experiment mean that something is wrong with the experiment?

Not necessarily. It might mean that the experiment has a highly stable outcome. You need to evaluate if that is true or if the experiment is flawed. It comes down to theoretical expectations versus experimental outcomes - you should know a priori (before the fact) what to expect, so you can know if the results are good. For instance... If you were measuring the radioactivity of a sample with a relatively low count rate using a detector that recorded counts in each second, you would expect a poissen distribution. If you were measuring the same sample with a detector that counted for 1 minute, you would expect a more gaussian distribution. If, on the other hand, you were measuring the wavelength of a red laser, you would expect that every single observation would give you the same results, within an extremely tight distribution.

What is 20th percentile quantitative?

The 20th percentile is an estimate of the value in which 20% of the observations should fall below this value and 80% should be above it. Methods vary on the calculations, but all methods will give similar results if there are a large number of values. See:

What variable goes on the x-axis when graphing the results of an experiment?

If there is an independent variable, then that should go on the x axis. This is the variable that influences whatever you are measuring but is not influenced by it - for example time. If the variables affect each other then the one you have more control over. The one that you change and then measure the other. But these methods do not always work. If your experiment is to plot the readings from Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers in a beaker that is heated, either of the C value or F value can go on the x axis.

What happens when you increase the sample size in an experiment?

Estimates based on the sample should become more accurate.

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The same experiment was conducted 7 times. How many times should the results have been similar for them to be valid?

7 - Apex

Which condition is necessary for an experiment to yield useful data?

similar results should be obtained when the experiment is repeated .

The same experiment was conducted 6 times. How many times should the results have been similar for them to be valid?

The answers are usually always valid. What may or may not be valid are your assumptions about the underlying model. Also, the number of times the results should be similar depends on the number of possible outcomes and the variability in the outcomes. For example, if you spin a fair spinner with 12 equal segments, then the probability of similar results is less than likely.

What part of a research report should include a description of the species in the environment in which the experiment is conducted?

The introduction should include a description of the species in the environment in which the experiment is being conducted.

How many times should the results have been similar for them to be valid if the exact same experiment was done 8 times?

8 - Khalil.R

A scientist does an experiment The results of the experiment disagree with a major scientific theory What should the scientist do?

Analyze the experiment to decide whether the results were flawed.

Why should psychologists question the results of an experiment that they conducted for the first time?

Experimentation enables the investigator to control the situation and to decrease the possibility that unnoticed, outside variables will influence the results. From Understanding Psychology Teacher Wraparound Edition, Hardcover (2008)

If your experiment does not turn out the way you expected should you record the results anyway?

No redo the experiment.

What should be done after data is collected for an experiment?

The scientist or student scientist should review the results. Conclusions should be drawn based on the results. Then, the hypothesis is reviewed to make sure the results confirm the hypothesis; if not, revise the hypothesis and rerun the experiment.

What is the best plant to use in a experiment?

Brassica rapa germinates and grows extremely well. I conducted a science experiment for my research class involving hydrogen peroxide and if you make sure that the plants are cared for and put where they have to go (they are extremely small seeds) then your results should be quick and accurate.

What are Precautions for mensuration experiment?

When performing a menstruation experiment, there are several precautions that should be taken to ensure safety and accurate results. Here are some of the key precautions to keep in mind: Wear appropriate protective gear: When handling chemicals, it is important to wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses, to prevent accidental exposure to the chemicals. Handle chemicals carefully: Chemicals should be handled with care and according to the instructions provided. This includes using the correct amount of chemicals, avoiding contact with skin or eyes, and keeping chemicals away from food and drink. Maintain a clean workspace: Before beginning the experiment, the workspace should be cleaned and free of any potential hazards or contaminants. Follow proper disposal procedures: After the experiment is complete, any leftover chemicals should be disposed of properly according to local regulations. Monitor and control temperature and humidity: The experiment should be conducted in a controlled environment, with temperature and humidity levels monitored and maintained as necessary to prevent interference with the experiment. Use proper measuring tools: When measuring substances or quantities, it is important to use accurate and appropriate measuring tools to ensure accurate results. Follow the experiment procedure carefully: The experiment procedure should be followed carefully and accurately to ensure the experiment is conducted correctly and the results are reliable. By following these precautions, the menstruation experiment can be conducted safely and accurately, with reliable results that can be used for research or educational purposes.

A scientist performs an experiment The results of the experiment disagree with a scientific theory The scientist repeats the experiment several times and gets the same results The scientist then?

The scientific theory should be changed.