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Q: Why are charts and graphs useful for analyzing results?
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What can Graphs and charts of data can be used for?

They can be used in Marketing and Finance. They can also be used for co-ordinates or distance speed time graphs can be useful for journeys

Where can one go to find information on different types of charts an graphs?

A place where one could find information on different types of charts and graphs would be an office program such as Microsoft Power Point. This program explains the design and usage for many charts and graphs in simple language accompanied by a useful help menu.

How is graphs useful?

It is used to show the results of something over a period of time such as days, weeks, months and so on.

What are the Examples of non-prose materials?

non prose materials such as graphs,charts,tables and maps and photographs need to be interpreted for clarity.readers would be able to understand non-prose materials effectively if the writer is keen about the use of each type: GRAPHS translate numbers to picture.plotted as a set of points on a coordinate system, a graph shows the relationship between 2 variables. graphs are especially useful for displaying comparisons, changes over time, patterns or trends. CHARTS and graphs are often used interchangeably. but a chart is more precisely a figure that displays relationships that are not plotted on a coordinate system. commonly used charts include pie charts, organizational charts,flow charts, tree charts, and pictorial charts ( pictograms). TABLES display exact quantities, compare sets of data, and present information systematically and economically. MAPS are especially useful for showing comparisons and for helping users to "visualize" position, location, and relationships among complex data. PHOTOGRAPHS are especially useful for showing what something looks like or how something is done. TEHEEEEE >.<

Charts and graphs are useful media tools because they?

enable producers to communicate a large amount of information quickly

Why are graphs useful?

Graphs are useful in various ways. They are commonly used in statistics to represent data which can be easily interpreted by other users.

How importance bar graph?

Graphs can be represented in many ways- by means of pie chart, bar graph, etc. But out of all these bar graphs are considered extremely useful. Even though pie charts also give a pictorial representation of a particular group, it does not show the increase and decrease in number. Because pie charts just show the %s and bar charts show the increase and decrease in a particular quantity which helps us undertand it better

Why is it more useful to present results in a line graph?

Presenting results on a line graph is more useful because line graphs are more accurate. Line Graphs are also more visual,are less intimidating to look at,and are easier to understand. In Bullet points 1) More accurate 2) Less intimidating 3) More visual 4)Easier to understand Hope this helps:D

Why bar graphs are not useful?

Actually, they are useful. At least in some cases.

What are Bar graphs are useful for representing?

Comparison :)

Why bar graphs are useful for comparing data?

bar graphs are useful for comparing data b/c you cn actually see what the difference is between them.

How are graphs useful to historians?

the historians use graphs to something that happened over . unicorns are fluffy.