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because squares take up too much room

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Q: Why are dotted lines used to connect points on a line graph?
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Why are the points of a bar graph not connected?

Because their is no lines on the graph to connect the point.

Why do you think you only need two ordered pairs to graph these lines?

When you have two points of a line, you can connect the dots.

Contour lines connect points with the same what?

Contour lines connect points with the same elevation or altitude. These lines are used on maps to help visualize the shape and elevation of the terrain.

How do latitude and longitude lines help you find points on a map?

because when you put them together you get a graph and the points on the graph are your answer

What lines connect points of equal temperature?

On a Weather Map, the lines connecting points of equal temperature are called Isotherms.Similarly, the lines that connect points of equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.

What is a graph with lines connected to data points called?

either a scatter graph or a line graph xx :)

A line graph is a graph that uses?

A graph is used for graphing lines and points. A graph consist of rows columns and units.

Sharp bends or kinks in the isobars mark points where cross the lines?

Contour lines connect points of equal elevation while isobars connect points of equal pressure

Contour lines connect points with the same?

Contour lines connect points with the same elevation or value, showing the shape and elevation of the land on a map.

What is the definition of a double line graph?

a graph that uses two lines connected by points to show value

What lines on a map that connect points of equal or constant values are'?

Contour lines

What do lines on a countar map indicate?

The lines connect points that are at the same elevation.