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When you have two points of a line, you can connect the dots.

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Q: Why do you think you only need two ordered pairs to graph these lines?
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What is A quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel lines?

I think a: Square, Rectangle(Oblong), Parallelogram & Rhombus.

WHAT SHAPE does not have any pairs of perpendicular lines?

a triangle, pentagon and that's all i can think of * * * * * A right angled triangle has a pair of perpendicular lines! Likewise, a pentagon can have a pair. A circle, ellipse etc do not.

Why do you think a line graph is a good graph?

A line graph is good cause it is easier to read

What mean graph misleading?

A graph that leads you to think something else

How do you complete the tale of ordered pairs for the function y equals 5?

You really don't need a table. The 'function' [ y = 5 ] is trying to tell you that itdoesn't matter what 'x' is. 'Y' is simply always 5 .If you absolutely must have a table, then OK. Make a list of two or ten or thirteendifferent values for 'x', and for each and every one of them, the 'y' value is 5 .Now, do you think you could draw the graph of the function ! ?

What quadrangle has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no right angle?

Trapezoid by doraexplorer: the 2 sides of a trapezoid left and right intersect when you draw longer lines from the top. if you draw the lines from under these lines, they will not meet. you can say trapezoid, but i think the answer is a rhombus. by the way, you spelled quadrilateral wrong.

Why is it important to check the solutions of graphical equations algebraically?

Graphical solutions can only be approximate. Looking at a graph you might think that lines cross at (2, 5) but it might be (1.99, 5.01).

What are the ordered pairs for y -3x-10?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "divided by", "equals". Furthermore, if the question refers to a linear equation, as I think it might, then there are infinitely many ordered pairs and it would be impossible to answer the question other thatn to give a selection of solutions.

A lie detector is more formally known as a polygraph what does this word tell you about the machine?

Poly = many. e.g. polygamy (many spouses) polygon (many sides). I think graph means lines or drawing (or something close). So it is a machine of many lines.

How are a bar graph and line graph different?

a bar graph is like a line grapgh but the difference of they are the bar graph show horizontal and line graph shown vertical.. think logic..^_^

What is a mamagraph?

I think it is a graph of a mammogram. (?)

What is the best graph to show temperature change?

Scatter graph i think. Hope that helps!