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Because u can have a fraction of a cup of flour or a slice of Pizza might be 1/6 of the pizza

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Q: Why are fractions used in cooking?
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What are fractions used for in everyday life?

Fractions are used for many things, including cooking, dealing with money, and deciding how much you need to eat. Fractions are used for cooking (two and a third cups of flour...), for measuring distances, for telling someone how old you are (9 1/2), for gaming and gambling, for making clothes, for building. They're everywhere.

What if you do not have fractions in everyday life?

Fractions are used for many things, including cooking, dealing with money, and deciding how much you need to eat. Fractions are used for cooking (two and a third cups of flour...), for measuring distances, for telling someone how old you are (9 1/2), for gaming and gambling, for making clothes, for building. They're everywhere.

When do you use fractions?

We use fractions when measuring at times such as when you're cooking or baking, and seeing how tall you are. :)

How do you use fractions everyday?

cooking & buying a slice of pizza

How is cooking math?

you need to be able to measure fractions, add ingredients, etc.

Where are fractions used?

fractions are used in almost everything we do

When are fractions used in music?

there are fractions in whole steps

What are types of fraction?

There are three types of fractions that are used in mathematics. The three types of fractions are, mixed fractions, proper fractions, and improper fractions.

How is fractions and decimals used in occupations?

decimals are used for prices like $2.95 fractions can be used for data

Butterfly Method?

Used for adding dissimilar fractions

Where were fractions first used?

fractions were first by aboriginal people and where first used in Africa..

What household items use fractions not cooking or food?

fabric softener lid, rain guage, tools