yes because they thought that fractions were kind of hard so they used decimals
Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
Decimals are more commonly used.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
I Think Decimals Are Better Than Fractions
yes because they thought that fractions were kind of hard so they used decimals
Yes providing you change the fractions into decimals or change the decimals into fractions
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
Decimals are more commonly used.
Because decimals are a form you use regularly like with money, but with fractions, its not used all the time such as a decimal is used.
Decimals and fractions are PART of a whole
The Arabs wished to express quantities that were not whole numbers. As to why they used fractions as opposed to decimals for this, that was owing to the fact that they had not invented decimals yet.
I Think Decimals Are Better Than Fractions
All numbers can be changed from fractions to decimals.
All terminating decimals can be written as fractions.
What are fractions or decimals that name the same amount
I need help in how to convert fractions to decimals