To change percentages into fractions, you simply divide by 100.
Not sure about precentages, but percentages are the numerators of ratios when the denominator is 100. Another way of thinking about it is that percentages represent parts per 100.
It is: 1.7*100 = 170%
Multiply it by 100 and so 1.21*100 = 121%
It is: 1/100 times 100 = 1%
the percentage of 100 = 10000%
percentages of 20 = 2000%20 * 100% = 2000%
To determine percentages less than 100, multiply the number by x/100. The same holds for percentages over 100 - for example, finding 250 percent of a number is equivalent to multiplying the number by 250/100, that is, 2.5.
To change percentages into fractions, you simply divide by 100.
Percentages are compared to 100
Not sure about precentages, but percentages are the numerators of ratios when the denominator is 100. Another way of thinking about it is that percentages represent parts per 100.
a+ = 90-100
It is: 1.7*100 = 170%
Multiply it by 100 and so 1.21*100 = 121%
It is: 1/100 times 100 = 1%
Same as percentages less than 100. Percentages greater than 100 will reult in a number that is greater than the original, that's all.