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Q: Why are pyramids smaller at the top than at the bottom?
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Why a ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than the bottom?

they is fat

Why are the pyramids built in the shape of a pyramid?

It is in the shape of a pyramid to show at the bottom it is big which gives 10% and then it gives off smaller and then smaller amounts of energy to make the point at the top.

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A fraction is smaller than one if the number on the top is less than the number on the bottom.

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Why is an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top at the bottom?

Someone is on Chapter 2 Section 2: Flow of Energy in an Ecosystem problem 15. EXPLAIN why an ecological pyramid is smaller at the top than at the bottom.

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Why is a ecological pyramid smaller at the top than the bottom?

This is because only 10% of the energy is transferred from one trophic level to another so relatively less no of herbivores can survive on a number of plants and so on. hence with respect to mass, energy or number, the thickness of the pyramids decreases from bottom to the top.

When the top number of a fraction is smaller than the bottom number then that type of fraction is called?

mixed number

Is it true that pyramids were built from top to bottom by the egyptians?

Ra Built it in the 4th Dimension.

Why do pyramids have a wide bottom and a narrow top?

To disperse the immense weight and add stability. The larger the base, the taller they could build the pyramids.