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They both have congruent sides.

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Q: Why are there a rhombus and a rectangle inside the parallelograms?
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Related questions

What shape are always parallelograms?

parallelograms, rectangles, rhombus, square

What are examples of parallelograms?

three examples of parallelograms are a square, a rectangle, and a rhombus.

What can also be called a parallelograms?

A rhombus, rectangle or square.

Name all the shapes that are parallelograms?

A rectangle, square, rhombus, and rhomboid are all parallelograms.

What are the names of all the parallelograms?

Rhombus, square, and rectangle.

What are 3 special types of parallelograms?

Rhombus, Rectangle, Square

How are a rectangle and parallelogram alike and different?

All rectangles are parallelograms but a rhombus for example, is a parallelogram but not a rectangle.

Are rectangle and rhombus always squares?

A rectangle is sometimes a square, but not always. When it is, it's also a rhombus. A rhombus is sometimes a square, but not always. When it is, it's also a rectangle. A square is always a rhombus and always a rectangle. Rectangles, rhombera, and squares are always parallelograms and quadrilaterals.

What are all parallelograms are what?

Rhombus, square, and rectangle.

Which shape does not belong with the others rectangle square trapezoid or rhombus?

Trapezoid. The rectangle, square, and rhombus are all parallelograms. The Trapezoid is a solid: a prism of trapezium cross-section.

What is another names for parallelogram?

The rhombus, rectangle, and square are special types of parallelograms.

What is a four-sided polygon with opposite congruent sides?

Parallelograms (including the rhombus, square and rectangle)