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Q: Why are there large scree slopes at the bottom?
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Why are large scree slopes found under cliffs and mountainous areas?

A scree slope is caused by weather erosion breaking off pieces of rock from the cliff and mountain-side.

A sloping mass of rock fragments below a cliff called?

Weathered rock fragments at the bottom of a hill are called scree. Scree formation is commonly attributed to the formation of ice within mountain rock slopes.

What has the author Penelope Ann Crompton written?

Penelope Ann Crompton has written: 'Scree development on Eaffin Island' -- subject(s): Rock slopes, Scree

What is the land formed by deposition at the bottom of a mountain?

It is called scree.

What heaps of frost-weathered rock fragments?

Heaps of frost-weathered rock fragments are known as scree or talus. They form when frost action causes rocks to fracture and break apart, creating a loose accumulation of debris at the base of cliffs or steep slopes. Scree can be found in mountainous and glaciated regions.

What is scree?

Scree is a collection of broken rock fragments found at the base of cliffs or steep rocky slopes. It is formed through the process of frost weathering, where water seeps into fractures in the rocks, freezes, and expands, causing the rocks to break apart and fall to the base of the slope.

What type of home does a macaroni penguin have?

HABITAT Often nests on steep, rough terrain with little or no vegetation, including lava flows and scree slopes

What is a large pile of debris that forms at the base of a slope?

Scree or Talus .

What do you call large masses of fallen rock?

One word you can use is scree.

What are small loose stones at the bottom of a cliff called?

Small loose stones at the bottom of a cliff are commonly referred to as scree. Scree is made up of loose rock fragments that have accumulated due to erosion and weathering processes. It can be unstable and make hiking or climbing difficult.

What is scree element?

what is scree element

How mouy freeze thaw weathering lead to the formation of a scree slope?

Freeze-thaw weathering occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, expands, and breaks the rock apart. Over time, this process weakens the rock, causing it to fragment and break into smaller pieces. The repeated cycles of freezing and thawing can lead to the formation of scree slopes as the broken rock fragments accumulate at the base of steep slopes.